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Puntuació mitjana 699 Ressenyes
g c ha valorat a Google

Une bonne découverte, la déco est sympa, on a bien mangé(beignets fris, bouchées vapeurs et brochettes). (Translated by Google) A good discovery, the decor is nice, we ate well (fried donuts, steamed appetizers and skewers).

fa 2 mesos
Alexandra Hallouin ha valorat a Google

Très beau lieu avec un joli décor et un très bon service (Translated by Google) Very nice place with nice decor and very good service

fa 2 mesos
Angelique Renard ha valorat a Google

fa 2 mesos
emilie merlin ha valorat a Google

Je recommande (Translated by Google) I recommend

fa 2 mesos
Maureen VERVYNCK ha valorat a Google

fa 2 mesos
Marie-helene Ple ha valorat a Google

fa 3 mesos
Antoine Pocchio ha valorat a Google

fa 3 mesos
Molly Wang ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) The service attitude is super good, the spicy chicken sausage is delicious, and the "flavored eggplant" dish is highly recommended. It has a very special taste. I have never tasted this kind of food in Chinese food in Paris🍆 (Original) 服务态度超级好,辣子鸡肥肠好吃,还有一道“风味茄子”很推荐。很特别的味道,在巴黎的中餐都没有吃到过这种味道的🍆

fa 3 mesos
Pi CG ha valorat a Google

fa 3 mesos
Paj1975 ha valorat a Google

très belle expérience le midi. très bon, boisson en +, budget 19€ à volonté (mais limité, vous verrez). (Translated by Google) very nice experience at lunchtime. very good, plus drinks, budget 19€ unlimited (but limited, you'll see).

fa 3 mesos

Bistrot Tao© 2024
Avís legal

126 Rue du Molinel
59800 Lille, France

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